Ken McGonigal
6 min readJun 20, 2020


Do you remember that tag line from The X-Files? “The truth is out there”. I still hear it in my head when I read or listen to the news. Which part of that news story is true and which part is hyperbole?

“The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.”
― George Carlin

This is what I usually do to get closer to the truth. I listen to my inner voice then the first thing I do is cross-reference the storyline. I use Google or Duck Duck Go and try to find some reputable sources. What do I mean by reputable? I also look at reviews of news sources to check for bias.

Of course, this all takes time. No longer can we just ingest what we hear or see. We must be diligent truth seekers. News agencies also make mistakes and most do post corrections when they realize the error. The old fashioned news reporter is supposed to only care about the truth without bias. That is no longer the case because ratings are more important than the truth. The truth is reported when it suits the narrative or to get ratings. Truth is also altered and repacked to get ratings or to justify a cause.

The conspiracy theory is that news agencies are intentionally misleading the public in order to full fill an agenda dictated by the owners of the agency. This is why if you hear the same story from several agencies keep an eye and ear out for the same words used for the…



Ken McGonigal

I like to talk about things that help make your life better.